Sunday, 5 July 2009
Thursday, 14 May 2009
We spent the last of our time on the final morning exploring Orchard Road famous for its shopping after making a stop at the post office to send some things home. Karl was in one of his normal helpful moods!
We caught our flight to Cairns via Darwin later that day.
Thursday, 7 May 2009
The capital of Malaysia greeted us at the end of a bus ride from the Cameron Highlands. It was quite a busy time of year while we were there as it was Chinese New Year. We knew this was coming up and had therefore planned to spend it somewhere we thought would be quite interesting and lively. However many people started to inform us that it is a real family celebration and they expected KL to be empty! Never mind, we went anyway to see what would happen.
The first thing that is obvious in this part of the world when you get off the bus, which was a sharp contrast to the Cameron Highlands, is the heat. It can literally hit you as you enter it. The heat and humidity combine to form what can be a very uncomfortable atmosphere, one which you find yourself constantly seeking refuge. As we felt the heat eminate from the tarmac beneath us we sort relief in a nearby mall. This became a real recurring theme of our visit there, spending a limited amount of time outdoors. We did have the chance to see several interesting parts of the city, firstly and most obviously were the Petronas Towers, once the tallest buildings in the world. We got a ticket to go up to the skybridge and had to return for the experience later that day. Here they are!
Fearing a mad transportation shortage at this celebratory time of year we booked a bus early. It turned out to be a very posh one which had armchair like seats with in built massagers. The journey past very comfortably apart from the interuption of border formalities entering Singapore.
Wednesday, 6 May 2009
Thursday, 30 April 2009
Penang is a region of Malaysia on the west coast. The residents are made up of immigrants from predominantly India and China making it one of the best places to get a takeaway!
I have never been to a place where the people of such different backgrounds get along so well. It seems as though the world could learn a lot from them. Buddhists, Muslims, Sikhs, Protestants, Catholics and many other religions all in one place all living happily and neighbourly. When we arrived however there was much going on. A fire had broken out at a nearby restaurant. We witnessed the fire spread to the next building and threaten many more. Some firemen were already there and more were on the way, however it was at this point that we realise how lucky we are with the emergency services in the UK. The whole situation seemed to be dealt with in a less organised manner, people were all over the streets surrounding the fire, in the way of all the services making everything a whole lot more difficult. We walked around the city on a very warm day and saw many of it's highlights. By the time we had returned to the hostel the fire had been extinguished without crossing over to more buildings. We headed down to Little India for a brilliant diner. It was a Naan Set which was made up of a naan, tandori chicken and three dipping curries/sauces. The meal was delicious one of my favourites of the trip to that point. On the way out I expressed some interest in the way that a man was making naans in the kitchen. I was invited in to take a look by some very enthusiastic staff. They were fantastic and showed and explained what they were doing. Great way to finish the day.
The following day we explored some more of the city including the incredible housing located on piers over the water's edge. The construction of the piers could be seen as nothing less than amazing. We walked out onto them seeing the water beneath through some large gaps between boards. I noticed that some of the pier was held up by concrete buckets. Buckets filled with concrete and then placed in position ontop of each other to form piles. With time some of the plastic had split or broken away leaving piles of concrete in various angular bucket shapes. Later we went up the cities lookout for sunset and to see the city at night. Although not quite as spectacular as Hong Kong it was still a great view, although we did have some interesting company in the form of some rather large spiders floating overhead on their webs around the street lights.
Next day we boarded a bus to the Cameron Highlands.
MALAYSIA - Lankawri
As we queued to board the ferry and have our passports checked a girl came up to me and asked us what country we were currently in. I replied with the answer but couldn't help thinking the same thing about the previous 3 months! ha.
I can honestly say that the ferry journey on the western side of the Malay peninsula was a lot better than those to and from Ko Toh. It was smooth and calm and i certainly didn't hear the slightest hint of a wretch.
Langkawri is a beautiful island with beaches of the most powdery flour like sand that feels excellent between the toes. It has one or two very popular areas including the area we stayed in which has restaurants fronting the beach. Other areas including the one we visited the following day, in a rented car, include large waterfalls and a view point at 800m up with incredible views. Linked to the viewpoint was an incredible curved bridge hung from one centrally located structure. It was however a slightly unnerving experience to cross it, so much so Karl decided to wait for us on one side. After, we continued our drive around some of the island and took in the scenery.
After Langkowri we got on yet another boat, this time to Penang.
Thursday, 12 February 2009
When we got off the train, the next morning, we were ushered quickly onto a departing bus, apart from myself who needed to go and get some cash, so i got on the back of another moped and the bus picked me up further down the road. The ferry journey we had next was appalling. Ignore what i said previously about the bus journey from Siem Reap to the Thai border being bad, this was another level. The ferry was thrown from side to side up and down so much that what must have been about quarter of the boat was being sick around us, all we could do was try and fall asleep and ignore the wretching. After the most unpleasent 3 hour journey of our lives, which would normally take 1.5 hours in good weather, we arrived to Ko Toh. Ko Toh is a world renown diving Island and reputedly the cheapest place to learn in the world, unfortunately for me and my very tight budget it was too expensive, but over the next 3.5 days Karl and Clem proceded to get their Open Water diving liscence, good on them! While they were back to school learning all about the underwater world, bouyancy etc i was relaxing, reading, padling and going for the occasional walk. On the final night Karl and I went for a drink in town. The plan was for a quiet one but a group of travellers saw the opportunity to get us involved in their night out. They bought us some more drinks and we stayed out till late. The next day we had to return to the mainland in order to travel across the country to the west and into Malaysia. Before this, however, we had to cope with yet another awful ferry crossing, maybe marginally better than the first. Then we got on train and then bus to the next ferry terminal on the West Coast. This ferry would take us over the border and into Malaysia to the island of Langkawi.